LBC Weekly: 8/3/14


We’re happy to announce that the elders have issued a call to prayer for the month of August. Beginning tomorrow, we are asking the congregation of Lake Baldwin Church to take a few minutes to pray for the work of the church as we anticipate the spiritual opportunities of the fall. While we pray throughout the year, we have an annual prayer focus each August. Check out this 2-minute video clip that gives some of the heart and history behind the August Prayer Initiative. To watch the video, click here ( . See below for two simple ways that you can participate.

Why have a special focus on prayer?

* God has promised to answer: “Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it--the Lord is his name: Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” (Jeremiah 33:2-3)
* We are dependent upon God.
* We are in a spiritual conflict, and we need the strength of the Lord.
* There are spiritual opportunities ahead of this fall. We plant and water, but it is God who causes the growth (1 Corinthians 3:6).


Take a Few Minutes to Pray Each Day in August

* Starting August 1, take a few minutes each day to pray for the work of the church.
* We’ll send out a verse of Scripture and a prayer focus for each day. To receive this daily devotional during August, click here ( .
* The aim is to bathe every aspect of church life and outreach in prayer. We will pray for SPLASH, youth, small groups, worship, missions, the city, the world, our neighbors, and more.


Attend One or More Monday Night Prayer Gatherings in August

* Each Monday night in August,  from 7-8 pm, our elders and wives will be hosting a prayer gathering at the Lake Baldwin Church office/hub. The address is 1300 Lake Baldwin Lane, Orlando, FL 32814.
* The first one will be this Monday, and will be hosted by Richard and Susanne Hostetter.
* Prayer requests will be provided, and you can bring your own requests. We all need prayer--feel free to come with your own needs.
* We will also bathe the work of the church in prayer, and we will pray for revival and renewal in our hearts, in our church, and in our city.


Worship This Sunday at 10:45

* We will continue our series on “Keeping the Faith” with a message from 2 Timothy 4:1-5. As you read this passage in advance, you might want to ask, “How does the reality of Christ in verse 1 shape our lives?”
* We will gather around the Lord’s Supper.
* Ross Stowers, one of our missionaries, will be with us for an interview.

In His Grace,
The Elders


August Daily Prayer #1: Call to Me