LBC Weekly: 8/17/14


We are happy to announce that Dr. Don Sweeting will be preaching at Lake Baldwin Church this Sunday. Dr. Sweeting is the president of Reformed Theological Seminary, and author of the book, How to Finish the Christian Life.

Read on for: Sign-up to pray daily; latest financial update; dates for your calendar.

Worship This Sunday at 10:45

* Dr. Don Sweeting will wrap up our summer series with a message from 2 Timothy 4:6-8, “Finishing the Christian Life.”
* Soon and Erin Pak will be with us! They will share highlights of their 2 years in China, serving with English Language Institute of China (ELIC). Soon served for four years as the youth director at LBC.
* Please take some moments to pray for the work of God’s Spirit in worship. Pray also for SPLASH, and for youth group on Sunday evening.


It’s Not Too Late to Sign up to Pray Daily in August

* The elders have called our congregation to prayer during August, for the spiritual opportunities ahead of us this fall.
* Over 60 people have already signed up to pray each day. People have been signing up throughout the month.
* Sign up by sending an e-mail to: ( .
* You will receive a brief daily devotional from Scripture, and some prayer requests.


Prayer Gathering Each Monday from 7-8 pm

* Elders are hosting a weekly prayer gathering at the LBC Office/Hub, 1300 Lake Baldwin Lane, Orlando 32814.
* Everyone is welcome to join us! We will have a prayer guide, and will be praying for the work of the church, as well as personal needs.


Financial Update as of July 31

* July contributions: $54,936.08
* July expenses: $53,005.06
* January-July contributions: $355,563.43.
* January-July expenses: $344,851.32
* If you’d like to bring your giving up-to-date, simply go to


Dates for Your Calendar

* August 18, 7-8 pm: Prayer gathering at LBC office
* August 25, 7-8 pm: Prayer gathering at LBC office
* August 24: Exodus series begins--”From Slavery to Freedom”
* September 13, 9 am to noon: Small group leaders’ gathering
* September 26, 6 pm: Hospitality Event--Elders & Wives hosting Shepherding Groups
* October 19 after church: Food Truck Event

In His Grace,
LBC Staff


August Daily Prayer #15: Shepherds


August Daily Prayer #14: Youth