August Daily Prayer #18: School
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17)
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. (Colossians 3:23-24)
It's Monday morning, and it's back to another week of prayer. These verses remind us of the high view of Christ in the book of Colossians. He is not only the head of the church, his body, but he is also Lord of all creation. As Colossians 1:17 says, "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."
Last week and this week, children of all ages are back to school. Our teachers are back to teaching, with all of the pressure that goes with that. Administrators are back to all the complexities and challenges of school. For those who belong to Christ, we are reminded that there is not really a split between sacred and secular. Our academic efforts matter to God, and we serve "the Lord Christ" in all things.
As a church, we pray not only for "the church gathered" on Sunday mornings, but we also pray for "the church scattered" around our city. Let's pray today for students and teachers who are returning to school.
- Thank God for the teachers and administrators in our church, who teach in public schools, private schools, and home school. Pray for Patti Rader, Ravi Jain, Kelley Jain, Lynn Steele, Valerie Kennedy, Dwain Noble, Abby Noble, and others who serve in the education field.
- Pray for the young children who are beginning school for the first time. Pray for good teachers, friends, and safety.
- Pray for our middle school and high school youth, at a time in life when peers begin to exert a major influence on them. Pray for strength to remain faithful to Christ, and the wisdom to navigate social situations.
- Pray for the children in SPLASH who are off to elementary school. Pray for supportive learning and social environments. Pray for their parents as they continue to nurture these children in the faith.
- Pray for the LBC students who are off to college this month. As you recall their names, pray for them specifically. Pray that they would find strong local churches and campus Christian movements where they can grow in their faith.
- As the "church scattered" lives out the love of Christ, pray that the joy of the gospel will fill the hearts of students and teachers. Pray that the richness of knowing and serving "the Lord Christ" will come alive in each heart.