LBC Weekly: 8/24/14
This Sunday we begin a new series on the Book of Exodus. Over the years, we’ve found that people of all stages of the spiritual journey have enjoyed the stories of the Old Testament. As I’ve been preparing over the course of the summer, I’ve fallen in love with Exodus all over again. We’ve entitled the series, “Take Off Your Sandals.” That’s a reference to Exodus 3:5, the famous story where God appears to Moses in the burning bush. I hope you’ll plan now to join us every week that you’re in town. And, this will be a great series for inviting friends and family to church. Thank you for your prayers, as we all, like Moses, prepare to meet with God in the Book of Exodus!
Worship This Sunday at 10:45
* We will begin our Exodus series with a message on Exodus 1:11-14, “Dark Clouds.”
* Molly Tilley will share her story of experience with the “dark clouds”--wondering “where is God” in times of depression, loss or disappointment.
* Remember to pray for worship, and for all who might be going through a time of “dark clouds.”
How to Enjoy and Benefit from the Exodus Series
* Think of this series as an opportunity to become better acquainted with this amazing story. Read the sermon text each week before you come to church.
* Take advantage of discussion questions that will be posted on our web site each week. You can use them with your small group, with your family, or for personal devotions.
* Look for a personal “take-away” each week, and share it with someone. You’ll see that each story in Exodus is our story, relevant to our lives.
It’s not too late to sign up for daily prayer in August!
* Almost 80 people at LBC have signed up to pray each day!
* To sign up, just send an e-mail to:
* You’ll receive a daily e-mail with a passage of Scripture and a brief prayer focus.
* Take some moments to pray at a time and in a way that is comfortable for you.
Come to the prayer gathering Monday evening at 7:00
* Come and join us, right after dinner!
* We gather for an hour of prayer at the LBC Office/Hub, 1300 Lake Baldwin Lane, Orlando, FL 32814.
* A simple prayer guide is provided. No experience needed.
Save These Dates
* August 24: Exodus series begins!
* August 25 at 7:00: Prayer gathering at LBC Office.
* September 13, 9 am to noon: Small Group Leaders
* September 26, 6:00 PM: Hospitality Event! Everyone invited as elders and wives host dinners in their homes.
* October 5, 9:30 am, LBC Office: “Survey of the Bible” class with Richard Hostetter begins.
* October 19, noon, in the park: Food Truck Event right after church.
In His Grace,
LBC Staff