August Daily Prayer #3: Deacons
For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. (1 Timothy 3:13)
Jesus Christ himself set the pattern for serving when he said in Mark 10:45, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many." Though all of us are called to serve one another, our deacons hold a serving office, mobilizing the congregation for deeds of mercy and service. In writing to Timothy, the Apostle Paul must have been mindful of the rigors of serving, over time. One deacon recently told me of a recent time of going through some difficult challenges. Yet he sensed the Lord's call this summer to offer help and ministry on behalf of others. Such a deacon gains "good standing" and "confidence in the faith."
- Thank God for our deacons, elected and called by our congregation: Ernie Traynham, Scott Crocker, Phil Steele, Ravi Jain, Adam Mikkelson, Michael Ballenger, and Drew Hallberg.
- Thank God as well for our deaconesses, who serve alongside our deacons: Candice Holtz and Lynn Steele.
- Choose a name of a deacon you know; pray for their marriage and family; for God's blessing on them professionally; and for their walk with Christ.
- Pray for God's grace on our deacons as they extend care and practical help to folks in our church family who are struggling financially or with their health.
- Pray for the leadership they will bring this fall to our facilities, the serving teams they lead, church finances, use of the deacons fund, global missions, and mercy work in the community.
- Finally, pray for future deacons who will be going through the LBC officers' training and leadership development this fall.